Our goal is to create a safe place for personal development and mentoring relationships that lead to a greater sense of confidence and competence within a woman. As event support, you may be the first face to welcome an attendee! We appreciate your gracious attitude and willingness to assist.
There are a variety of tasks for you to consider as you complete the registration process.
The $35 fee helps off-set expenses and makes a way for you to attend sessions when you are not providing event support. You will receive an email requesting information in order to place you in the right task. Our goal is to make your experience one you would like to repeat.
We want you to give your best by making sure you understand the responsibilities with the various roles. By submitting the Event Support Registration you agree to fulfill the task description of the roles you are assigned.
Swag Bag organization: Partners and exhibitors have the opportunity to provide gifts or gift certificates to the attendee swag bags. We have 2 levels: Ms TrendMaker (VIP) and Ms Trendy. Your task is to fill the bags with the correct items. Date: Thursday, October 5 at 6:30 pm, DoubleTree Hotel
Friday VIP registration and session: Your task is to provide general assistance to speakers during these 3-4 hour sessions, including time keeping.
Ms TrendMaker reception: The V.I.P. party is Friday, October 6 from 6 – 9 PM. She will be able to pick up her swag bag. Your task is to welcome her to the party and distribute her swag bag.
Exhibitor hall and table assistance: Your task is to assist exhibitors in locating their table, ensure they do not switch tables, direct them to the correct electrical outlet, answer logistics questions they may have, report any disruptions, loud noises, or problems to staff and be present and observant during the Opening, Noon, and Closing sessions.
Saturday registration and swag bag distribution: Registration opens at 6:30 AM on Saturday, October 7 for those attending the Pilates class. Your task is to register her, confirm her registration, distribute her schedule, and swag bag.
Assist Opening Noon Session Speakers: Your task is to greet the speakers, show them the stage, provide them a Speaker Schedule, water, and anything else they may need prior to the start of the session.
Ms TrendMaker Seating: Your task is to block V.I.P. seating for opening, noon, and breakout sessions, and to show these attendees to their seating area.
Introduce the Speaker: The speaker may provide an introduction. Your task is to provide a warm welcome to the speaker by memorizing the introduction ahead of time or by reading the introduction in an exciting manner.
Collect Forms: After an attendee has registered to work with a speaker, you will collect the forms and distribute them to DtGT.
Timekeeper: Your task is to signal the staff member or speakers’ assistant to introduce the speaker, signal the speaker for a 20, 15, 10, then 5 minute wrap-up, and move side conversations into the hall. You must be comfortable directing the speaker to end and moving attendees out of the session room without offending them. You may also need to assist with table set-up and breakdown.
Table set-up and breakdown: Your task is to assist the session speaker in setting up the Back of the Room (BOR) table display and to break it down. This must be done quietly and in a quick, organized manner prior to the start of a new session.
Wherever needed: Arrive prepared for any task which may include any of the on-site tasks listed above as well as preparing swag bags prior to the event.