Sell Yourself 4 Success
You ARE in sales! Every day you sell yourself to succeed. You can be more effective and reach a new level of success by learning the most important step in mastering any sales system – and the four P’s of the sales cycle. Knowledge of how to sell isn’t enough. You need a system that feels natural to you whether you are selling someone on a restaurant idea, your manager on a pay raise, or a child on completing their homework. Let’s practice the conversations innate in each step of the system; identify when to move to the next step; and confidently close at the right time.
About the Speaker
Alla Bardov started life in the United States in her teenage years as a Russian immigrant who did not understand a word of English. She began her sales career and developed her passion and love for sales while doing door to door sales in college. She was consistently recognized as a top salesperson and was awarded a college scholarship while pursuing a degree in accounting. Equipped with the skills for ultimate success, she is a results-driven professional with over 30 years extensive experience in sales, accounting, financial analysis, marketing, training and customer service. Alla’s career spanned domestically and internationally in the oil and gas industry where she demonstrated her proven ability to lead, adapt and develop innovative solutions to business issues. She has consistently maintained high standards and streamlined procedures and processes. Upon completing her corporate career, Alla became a successful business owner and she consistently has been one of top monthly producers for new customer enrollments in a billion dollar direct sales company.