September 2019
Live Local. Build Global.
Collaborating with neighbors is easy, just ask Claudia Herrmann, international business attorney, and President of AMEP Dallas. Hear Claudia's journey from practicing law in Mexico City to creating training opportunities with the Mexican Consulate for women entrepreneurs and professionals in the U.S. Meet our dinner sponsor Chef Michelle, owner of Infused Oils & Vinegars and enjoy a 10% discount on items purchased during the event. Food/wine/water is included in your registration.
Find out more »LinkedIn Training
Are you using LinkedIn as part of your marketing strategy? Traditional marketing costs can be expensive and time consuming to track. Connecting with your ideal client through social channels is a relatively new territory for most small business owners. If you want to make the most of your LinkedIn brand, you’ll need to take some time to learn all you need to get started, the benefits of building your brand online, and what NOT to do when getting started. Lucky…
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