Exhibitor Rules and Regulations

Exhibitor Rules and Regulations:

  • One Exhibitor per exhibit table.
  • Full payment is due at time of Exhibitor Registration.
  • Exhibitor full payment must be received no later than one week prior to day of Special Event.
  • Exhibitor Registration transfers – paid exhibitor registrations may be transferred to another individual at your organization if you notify DTGT in writing two weeks prior to day of event. Send transfer and substitutions via email with subject line ‘Exhibitor Transfer’ to exhibitor@daretogrowtexas.com. Please include complete contact information for yourself as well as for the colleague who will be using the registration. All requests must be made in writing.
  • Swag Bag items must be delivered to the special event venue by 5:30 pm.
  • Please read carefully. DTGT disclaims and will not be responsible for any and all liability to any third party that may arise from act or omissions of DTGT’s attendees, guests, speakers, event support, or members, including but not limited to material damages to premises where the Dare to Grow Texas event is held. DTGT further disclaims any liability or responsibility to attendees, guests, speakers, volunteers, or members, and any liability or responsibility for any injury, damage, or theft occurring as a result of participation in the event.


Exhibit Eligibility: Exhibiting firms will be limited to those providing services, products, or publications that are directly applicable to women’s personal and business needs. Exhibits will be limited to four (4) competitors in services, products, or publications. One Exhibitor per exhibit table. Dare to Grow Texas reserves the right to require any exhibitor to remove an exhibit or any part of an exhibit which, in the sole judgment of DTGT, is misleading or deceptive, in poor taste, or unsuitable to or not in keeping with the character and objectives of the event. DTGT reserves the right to approve all exhibitor applicants.

Exhibit Application: Application for exhibitor table should be made on the registration system and must be accompanied by full or half payment to be accepted. Exhibitors must submit application, registration and full payment one week prior to special event to be listed on the Dare to Grow Texas website. If your application and/or payment is received after one week prior to date of event, your information may not be on the Dare to Grow Texas website. Full payment must be received one week prior to date of event to participate as an exhibitor.

Cancellation: Exhibit table may be cancelled, but exhibit payments are nonrefundable. DTGT reserves the right to re-sell table space. Cancellations must be sent via email with the subject line “Exhibitor Cancellation” to exhibitor@daretogrowtexas.com.

Exhibitor Set up: 5:30 pm

Exhibitor Breakdown: 8:30 pm

Note: Exhibits may not be dismantled before 8 p.m.

All displays must be erected and completely arranged for viewing by 6 pm on the day of the event for official inspection by DTGT’s management representative. Noisy or unsightly work in any exhibitor’s booth area is prohibited during the open lunch session hours. Goods received after the event begins must be delivered to the table and arranged at times other than the event hours. Goods and materials used in any display (except bona fide samples) may not be removed from the Exhibit Hall without the approval of DTGT until the event has been officially closed. All materials must be cleared from the Exhibit Hall by 9 p.m. on the day of the event. It is the sole responsibility of each exhibitor to have materials packed, identified, and cleared out by that time. DTGT reserves the right, with no liability whatsoever for damage, spoilage, or loss, to dismantle, dispose of, store, and clear from the premises any display material, goods, property, or merchandise of an exhibitor who has failed to comply with the above requirement, or to order such work to be done at the sole expense of the exhibitor.

In the event the exhibitor fails to install the display by 6 pm on the day of the event, fails to pay the full table rental at the time specified, or fails to comply with any provisions concerning the use of exhibit space, DTGT shall have the right to take possession of said table space and resell same, or any part thereof. All demonstrations, sales activities, and distribution of circulars and promotional materials must be confined to the limits of the exhibitor’s table except that which is specifically authorized by DTGT. Exhibitors must display only goods manufactured or dealt in by them in their regular course of business which have been approved by DTGT. Exhibits, which include the operation of audiovisual equipment or any noise making machines, may not operate or be displayed in a manner that will disturb other exhibitors and their patrons. Exhibitors who play music within their table space are solely responsible for securing all licensing rights for that music prior to performance at the workshop. Exhibitor hereby indemnifies and holds harmless DTGT from any expenses or damages resulting from or relating to exhibitor’s performance or playing of music at this conference. The above and any other special or unusual exhibit construction or installation must be approved, in advance, by DTGT.

Exhibit tables must be staffed during official event hours. Exhibitor representatives and table personnel are restricted to women engaged in the display, demonstration, application, or sale of the company’s products and services. Table personnel shall wear an exhibitor badge identification furnished by DTGT at all times while in the exhibit area. Table personnel will have access to the Exhibit Hall one (1) hour before published special event hours.

Table Location: Early registrants receive priority table space preference. DTGT reserves the right to alter the location of exhibit tables, at its sole discretion, in the best interest of the workshop.

Representative: The exhibitor will name one individual as its duly authorized representative to have charge of the exhibit table and will accept and assume responsibility for such representative being in attendance at the exhibit throughout exhibit periods. This individual will be responsible for the installation, operation, and removal of the exhibit. Said representative must have the authority to enter into such service contracts as may be necessary, for which the exhibiting company shall be responsible.

Storage Fees: Venue will not store boxes and equipment.

Special Requests:  Exhibitor requests of event venue that are beyond this agreement, including food and beverage, labor for extensive installations, VLAN configuration, running cables and on-site tech support that will be considered ‘additional labor,’ and additional equipment will be charged to the Exhibitor at prevailing rates plus service charge and tax.

Electrical: All equipment and connections regardless of source of power must comply with federal, state, and local safety codes. Exhibitor will be responsible for damage to telecommunications, electrical, water, compressed air, and drainage network or equipment caused by exhibitor equipment, acts, and/ or omissions. If by reason of any default on the part of exhibitor here under, it becomes necessary to engage an attorney, the exhibitor agrees to pay all costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees expended or incurred by Dare to Grow Texas in connections herein. All exhibitors’ 120 VOLT cords must be of the 3-wire, grounded type. All exposed non-current carrying metal parts of fixed equipment, which are liable to be energized, shall be grounded. DTGT reserves the right to refuse connection to any exhibitor whose equipment is deemed unsafe by DTGT. The Exhibitor releases, waives, and holds harmless Dare to Grow Texas, it officers, employees, and agents for any liability, claims, and damages arising out of any of the services or equipment provided herein. The exhibitor shall indemnify Dare to Grow Texas for any bodily injury or property damage resulting from any negligent act or omission of the Exhibitor, its officer, employees or agents.

Videos: Videos relating to exhibitor’s equipment will be permitted, provided screen is located on the rear of the table, and all viewers stand or sit on the table. Sound videos will be permitted only if the sound is not audible in the aisle or neighboring tables. Sound systems will be permitted if tuned to a conversational level and if not objectionable to neighboring exhibitors.

Sounds, Noise and Odors: In fairness to all exhibitors, no noisy or obstructive activity will be permitted during event hours, nor will noisily operating displays or exhibits producing objectionable odors be allowed. The general rule of the exhibit floor is “be a good neighbor”. No exhibits will be permitted which interfere with the use of other exhibits or impede access to them or impede the free use of the aisle. Exhibit personnel, including demonstrators, hostesses, and models, are required to confine their activities within the exhibitor’s table space. Apart from the specific display space for which an exhibiting company has contracted with DTGT, no part of the venue and its grounds may be used by any organization other than DTGT for display purposes of any kind or nature. Floor banners are to be placed behind exhibit table. DTGT reserves the right to restrict displays which, because of noise, methods of operation, materials, or for any reason, become objectionable; and DTGT reserves the right to prohibit or remove any displays which, in the opinion of DTGT, detract from the general character or appearance of the event.

Photography and Publicity Release: As a registered attendee, speaker, exhibitor, event support, or sponsor of Dare to Grow Texas, I agree that the Dare to Grow Texas organizers have permission to use my name, likeness, image, voice, and/or appearance as such may be embodied in any pictures, photos, video recordings, audiotapes, digital images, and the like, taken or made on behalf of the Dare to Grow Texas event. I agree that DTGT has and will have complete ownership of such pictures, etc., including the entire copyright, and may use them for any purpose. I agree that any such recordings may be used and reused in whole or in part for publication, broadcast, cablecast, multimedia production, internet distribution, illustrations, bulletins, exhibitions, videotapes, reprints, reproductions, advertisements, and any promotional or educational materials in any medium now known or later developed. I acknowledge that I will not receive any compensation, etc. for the use of such pictures, etc., and hereby release DTGT and its agents and assigns from any and all claims that arise out of, or are in any way connected with, such use.

Speakers: The descriptions of speakers and times are correct at the time of publishing and, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, the organizers reserve the right to alter or delete items from the event program. The Dare to Grow Texas Founder and Board of Advisors act only as organizers and do not accept responsibility for any act or omission by or on the part of service providers. No liability is assumed or accepted for inaccuracy, mis-description, delay, damage, personal injury, or death.

Sole Responsibility: No attendees will be allowed into the Exhibit Area outside of regular special event hours; DTGT personnel will be allowed into the Exhibit Area during installation hours, before the event, during the event, and during dismantle hours. However, this does not imply that Dare to Grow Texas assumes any obligation or duty with respect to the protection of the property of exhibitors, which shall, at all times, be the sole responsibility of each exhibitor. Each party involved in the exhibit agrees to be responsible for any claims arising out of their own negligence or that of their employees or agents. Each party agrees to be responsible for their own property through insurance or self-insurance and shall hold harmless each of the other parties for any and all damage caused by theft and those perils normally covered by a fire and extended coverage policy.

Claims: Claims will NOT be considered unless filed by exhibitor before the close of special event via email with the subject line ‘Exhibitor Claim’ to exhibitor@daretogrowtexas.com and in person with DTGT exhibit contact personnel.

Hold Harmless: All event attendees, speakers, sponsors, event support, and exhibitors assume the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arising from their participation in event activities on the venue premises and will indemnify, defend and hold harmless DTGT, the venue properties and their respective agents, servants and employees from any and all such losses, damages, and claims. Neither DTGT nor event venue is responsible or liable for any loss, damage, or claims arising out of injury or damage to exhibitor’s displays, equipment, nor other property brought upon the premises of venue.

Agreement: By submitting your registration, the attendee (and her guests), exhibitor, speaker, event support, or sponsor agrees to be bound by and to abide by these Rules and Regulations and all amendments thereto, as well as all decisions of DTGT.

Failure To Hold Workshop: Should any contingency prevent the holding of the event, DTGT may retain such part of the Exhibitor’s rental fees as shall be required to compensate it for expenses incurred up to the time such contingency shall have occurred. All remaining rental fees shall be refunded. However, exhibitors will not be reimbursed if the event is cancelled, postponed, curtailed or abandoned due to an act of God, war, threat of war, radioactive contamination, government retaliation against foreign enemies, federal, state or local government regulation or advisory, disasters, fire, earthquakes, accidents, or other casualty, strikes or threat of strikes, acts of attendees, civil disorder, terrorist acts and/or threats of terrorism, acts of foreign enemies, or a curtailment of transportation services or facilities preventing attendees from attending, or a similar intervening cause beyond the control of DTGT making it illegal, impossible, unsafe, or commercially impracticable to hold the event.

Amendment Of Rules: DTGT reserves the right to make changes, amendments, and additions to these rules at any time, and all changes, amendments, and additions so made shall be binding on the exhibitor with the provision that all exhibitors will be advised of any such changes. Any matters not specifically covered herein are subject to decision by DTGT.  

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